Important Notice: All funds loaded through TNG reload PINs will be categorized as non-transferable balance. As a result, you will no longer have the option to transfer these funds to other TNG eWallet accounts, bank accounts, or GO+.
How to redeem TNG RELOAD PIN:
Follow the steps below to redeem PIN:
- Login to your TNG eWallet application.
- Click on “TNG eWallet Reload PIN” at the bottom of the screen.
- Enter TNG Reload Pin number.
- Click “Reload Now” and you’re done!
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Important Notice:
- This product is only for Malaysia. All purchases are NON-Refundable.
- All funds loaded through TNG reload PINs will be categorized as non-transferable balance. As a result, you will no longer have the option to transfer these funds to other TNG eWallet accounts, bank accounts, or GO+.